Services & Rates

Deep Tissue Massage

$70/85 per 60 minutes/90minutes

So what can we say about Deep Tissue that we dont already know? In the past Deep Tissue meant alot of pain and jamming an elbow into a specific area to "Force" a release. I find it sad that many still incorporate this method into "Deep" work. When intense pain is generated in the body your endorphines kick in and create a euphoric state of mind(to help deal with the fact that you are in intense pain) This is a false positive and does NOT facilitate a healing of anything, in my humble opinion. Deep work,whereas it may feel uncomfortable at times, should not be a hurtful thing nor should it make you feel like you are being operated on. My Deep massage is not as invasive as others and seeks to slowly target the area that you are having issues with. Make no mistake, you definately will feel this modality but I do it in such a way that you are not going to brace or have to fight and work against the process.

Myofascial Release

$70/85 per 60min/90min

Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy intended to eliminate pain, increase range of motion, and rebalance the entire body. It does this by using massage techniques to stretch the fascia and release the bonds that exist between the fascia, muscles and bones. Fascia is the connective tissue that connects and covers all muscles, organs, and skeletal structures of the body. Direct myofascial release is also known as deep tissue work and would be the same as what I do in my deep work, however, everything I do is integrated so you are going to not only get the myo/deep work,,but other tools and tricks i have to get you out of your pain cycle, like active release and Joint mobilization etc etc.

Sports Massage

$70 per 60 minutes

Sports Massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body's natural immune function.

Okay so this modality I only do in Hour sessions because it goes fast and is designed to help you recouperate after a workout/athletic event or to get you warmed up and prepped for a workout/event. Stretches,BMT's, tapotement,broad circulatory strokes and upbeat music get you primed and ready to be "In the Zone",,Hone your Zone,:>))

Lauterstein Deep Method Massage

$85 per 90 minutes

Lauterstein Deep Method Massage was developed by David Lauterstein of the Lauterstien Conway Massage School and Clinic in Austin Texas. This is an Integrated system that encompasses modalities such as acupressure,trigger point,myofascial release and cranial holding. This is a total body wellness modality and serves to help get you out of your pain cycle and into a more free moving and healthy lifestyle.

I typically do 90 minute sessions with this modality. One hour is just not enough time to fully complete the process, although, if you are needing spot work and can only do an hour, I am flexible and negotiable on rates. Lets say 65 dollars for one hour. :>)

Sacred Lomi

$125 per 120minutes/consultation offered

Sacred Lomi is a Hawaiian form of massage combining
elements that resemble Swedish, Esalen, Rolfing, Polarity
Therapy, acupressure, even laying on of hands – an integrated
system of bodywork where the practitioner works into you
rather than just on you.
There’s a psychology and spirituality to Lomi, rooted
in Hawaiian culture. The energy of their ancestors’ genetic
memory is contained within the practice, bringing forth sacred
Hawaiian shamanic principles.
Aloha, pono, and the kahuna.
Aloha, for instance, is love and breath, the Essence of
Lomi and all things Hawaiian. Pono means to be in balance or
alignment with the self, and the world around you.
The Kahuna, an expert in Lomi or any trade skill, isn’t a
private practitioner. Kahuna live to serve and protect their
O’hana community. That community is like a family, a smallscale
society in which ideas of the soul combine with a cyclic view
of natural processes. An important part of the Kahuna’s role is to
regulate and assist the conservation of the community’s soul force.
In Sacred Lomi, the practitioner, like the Kahuna, creates
a space of total safety and honoring for the person who’s
receiving the work. This is a space of non-judgment and Aloha
for the receiver’s well-being, and allows the receiver to connect
on a deep level to their authentic, core self.
The strokes and techniques of Lomi massage are long and
flowing, and encompass the whole body.
• People have described the feeling of a Lomi massage
as feeling totally supported and even buoyant, as if
they were drifting on waves in the ocean.
• Specially chosen Hawaiian music accompanies the
session’s slow-motion, dance-like movements.
• Draping is such that the practitioner can weave in
and out and interconnect the body with long, flowing
strokes and techniques.
• The techniques in Sacred Lomi can facilitate a “letting
go” of the active mind, and allow for a relaxing – and
sometimes transcendent – experience.
• Lomi can be done with a solo practitioner, or in the
highly regarded tandem session – two practitioners
working on one recipient.image

Swedish Massage

$70/85 per 60min/90min

Swedish Massage is the cornerstone and foundation of ALL massage. Swedish is one of my favorite modalities simply for the soul reason that it just feels darn good, and we all need to feel that way. Sometimes we dont want the deep work, or the transcendental awakening experience or the sometimes mind numbing cross fiber friction get rid of scar tissue ow this hurts why am I paying you for this session. Sometimes we just need to relax and get some good ole fashioned Swedish massage.